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Robust Satisficing for Portfolio Optimization

In this example, we consider the portfolio optimization problem introduced in Long et al. (2022), where the decision-maker invests in \(N\) risky assets and the portfolio risk is evaluated using the empirical distribution \(\hat{\mathbb{P}}\) constructed from historical data \((\hat{z}_1,…,\hat{z}_S)\). Here, the problem is solved as a robust satisficing model

\[\begin{align} \min ~& k_0 + wk_1 \\ \text{s.t.}~& \mathbb{E}_{\mathbb{P}}\left[\pmb{x}^{\top}\tilde{\pmb{z}}\right] \geq \tau - k_0 \Delta_W(\mathbb{P}, \hat{\mathbb{P}}) &\forall \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_0 (\mathcal{Z}) \\ &\alpha + \frac{1}{\epsilon}\mathbb{E}_{\mathbb{P}} \left[(-\pmb{x}^{\top}\tilde{\pmb{z}} - \alpha)^+\right] \leq \beta + k_1 \Delta_W(\mathbb{P}, \hat{\mathbb{P}}) &\forall \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_0 (\mathcal{Z}) \\ & \pmb{1}^{\top} \pmb{x} = 1 \\ & \pmb{x} \in \mathbb{R}_+^N, \alpha \in \mathbb{R}, \end{align}\]

for some target \(\tau\) of the expected return, and some target \(\beta\) of the \(1-\epsilon\) conditional value at risk (CVaR). Here, the distribution of the random return \(\tilde{\pmb{z}}\) is denoted by \(\mathbb{P}\), and the Wasserstein distance with one-norm between \(\mathbb{P}\) and the empirical distribution \(\hat{\mathbb{P}}\) is denoted by \(\Delta_W(\mathbb{P}, \hat{\mathbb{P}})\). Detailed information on model parameters are provided below

and these parameters are defined by the following code segment.

import numpy as np

s, n = 300, 10
w = 10
beta = 0.10
epsilon = 0.05
tau = 0.125


i = np.arange(1, n+1)
phi = 0.05 * np.random.normal(size=(s, n))
zeta = 0.02*i + 0.03*i*np.random.normal(size=(s, n))
zhat = phi + zeta

Deterministic Equivalent Problem

According to Theorem 9 of Long et al. (2022), the robust satsificing model can be reformulated as the deterministic optimization problem below:

\[\begin{align} \min ~&\|\pmb{x}\|_{\infty} \\ \text{s.t.}~&\frac{1}{S}\sum\limits_{s\in[S]}y_{1s} \geq \tau \\ &y_{1s} \leq \pmb{x}^{\top}\hat{\pmb{z}}_s & \forall s\in [S] \\ &\alpha + \frac{1}{\epsilon S}\sum\limits_{s\in[S]} y_{2s} \leq \beta \\ &y_{2s} \geq -\pmb{x}^{\top}\hat{\pmb{z}}_s - \alpha & \forall s\in [S] \\ &y_{2s} \geq 0 &\forall s \in [S] \\ &\pmb{1}^{\top}\pmb{x} = 1 \\ &\pmb{x}\in\mathbb{R}_+^{N}, \alpha \in \mathbb{R}. \end{align}\]

Such a deterministic optimization can be implemented using the following code.

from rsome import ro
import rsome as rso

model = ro.Model()

x = model.dvar(n)
alpha = model.dvar()
y1 = model.dvar(s)
y2 = model.dvar(s)

model.min(rso.norm(x, 'inf'))
model.st((1/s) * y1.sum() >= tau)
model.st(alpha + (1/s/epsilon)*y2.sum() <= beta)
model.st(y2 >= 0)
model.st(x >= 0, x.sum() == 1)
for j in range(s):
    model.st(y1[j] <= x@zhat[j])
    model.st(y2[j] >= -x@zhat[j] - alpha)

Being solved by the default LP solver...
Solution status: 0
Running time: 0.0203s

The optimal solution of x as the allocation of capital is shown below.

[0.         0.08771868 0.11403517 0.11403517 0.11403517 0.11403517
 0.11403517 0.11403517 0.11403517 0.11403517]

Scenario-wise Robust Optimization Problem

The robust satisficing model above is also equivalent to the following scenario-wise robust optimization problem:

\[\begin{align} \min ~& k_0 + wk_1 \\ \text{s.t.}~& \frac{1}{S}\sum\limits_{s\in[S]}v_{1s} \geq \tau \\ &\alpha + \frac{1}{S}\sum\limits_{s\in[S]}v_{2s} \leq \beta \\ &v_{1s} \leq \pmb{z}^{\top}\pmb{x} + k_0u & \forall (\pmb{z}, u)\in\mathcal{Z}_s \\ &v_{2s} \geq \frac{1}{\epsilon}(-\pmb{z}^{\top}\pmb{x}-\alpha) - k_1u & \forall (\pmb{z}, u)\in\mathcal{Z}_s \\ &v_{2s} \geq - k_1u & \forall (\pmb{z}, u)\in\mathcal{Z}_s \\ &\pmb{1}^{\top} \pmb{x} = 1 \\ &\pmb{x} \in \mathbb{R}_+^N, \alpha \in \mathbb{R}, \pmb{v} \in \mathbb{R}^{2\times S}, \end{align}\]

with the scenario-wise support \(\mathcal{Z}_s = \left\{(\pmb{z}, u): ~|\pmb{z} - \hat{\pmb{z}}_s|_1 \leq u \right\}\). The robust model can be implemented by the code segment below.

from rsome import ro
import rsome as rso

model = ro.Model()

x = model.dvar(n)
alpha = model.dvar()
k0 = model.dvar()
k1 = model.dvar()
v1 = model.dvar(s)
v2 = model.dvar(s)

z = model.rvar(n)
u = model.rvar()

r = z @ x
model.min(k0 + w*k1)
model.st(v1.sum() * (1/s) >= tau)
model.st(alpha + v2.sum() * (1/s) <= beta)
for j in range(s):
    uset = (rso.norm(z - zhat[j], 1) <= u)
    model.st((v1[j] <= r + k0*u).forall(uset))
    model.st((v2[j] >= (1/epsilon)*(-r-alpha) - k1*u).forall(uset))
    model.st((v2[j] >= -k1*u).forall(uset))
model.st(x >= 0, x.sum() == 1)
Being solved by the default LP solver...
Solution status: 0
Running time: 0.6255s

The optimal solution of the robust model is the same as the deterministic problem.

[-0.          0.08771868  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517
  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517]

Distributionally Robust Model

The robust satisficing model can be implemented directly using the rsome.dro modeling environment, see the code below.

from rsome import dro
from rsome import E
import rsome as rso

model = dro.Model(s)
x = model.dvar(n)
alpha = model.dvar()
k0 = model.dvar()
k1 = model.dvar()
z = model.rvar(n)
u = model.rvar()
fset = model.ambiguity()
for j in range(s):
    fset[j].suppset(rso.norm(z-zhat[j], 1) <= u)
pr = model.p
fset.probset(pr == 1/s)
r = z @ x
model.minsup(k0 + w*k1, fset)
model.st(E(r) >= tau - E(k0*u))
model.st(alpha + (1/epsilon)*E(rso.maxof(-r-alpha, 0)) <= beta + E(k1*u))
model.st(x >= 0, x.sum() == 1)

Here, we use the scenario-wise ambiguity set proposed in Chen et al. (2020) to capture the Wasserstein ball, the same optimal solution can be obtained.

[-0.          0.08771868  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517
  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517  0.11403517]


Long, Daniel Zhuoyu, Melvyn Sim, and Minglong Zhou. 2022. Robust Satisficing. Operations Research 71(1):61-82.

Chen, Zhi, Melvyn Sim, Peng Xiong. 2020. Robust stochastic optimization made easy with RSOME. Management Science 66(8) 3329–3339.