Star Watch Fork
User Guide

The Unit Commitment Problem

In this example, we attempt to solve a unit commitment (UC) problem described in the tutorial of IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX for Python (DOcplex). The electricity demand data and parameters of all generators are read from the data file uc_data.xlsx, by code segments below.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

demand = pd.read_excel('uc_data.xlsx', 'Demand')     # Electricity demand 
plt.plot(demand.index, demand['load'])
plt.xlabel('Time (hour)')
plt.ylabel('Demand (MWh)')

units = pd.read_excel('uc_data.xlsx', 'Units')       # Parameters of generators

name energy initial min_gen ... start_cost fixed_cost variable_cost co2_cost
0 coal1 coal 400 100.00 ... 5000 208.610 22.536 30
1 coal2 coal 350 140.00 ... 4550 117.370 31.985 30
2 gas1 gas 205 78.00 ... 1320 174.120 70.500 5
3 gas2 gas 52 52.00 ... 1291 172.750 69.000 5
4 gas3 gas 155 54.25 ... 1280 95.353 32.146 5
5 gas4 gas 150 39.00 ... 1105 144.520 54.840 5
6 diesel1 diesel 78 17.40 ... 560 54.417 40.222 15
7 diesel2 diesel 76 15.20 ... 554 54.551 40.522 15
8 diesel3 diesel 0 4.00 ... 300 79.638 116.330 15
9 diesel4 diesel 0 2.40 ... 250 16.259 76.642 15

10 rows × 14 columns

Parameters of the UC model are specified by the code segment below,

g_init = units['initial'].values
u_init = (g_init > 0).astype(int)
g_min = units['min_gen'].values
g_max = units['max_gen'].values
h_up = units['min_uptime'].values
h_down = units['min_downtime'].values
r_up = units['ramp_up'].values
r_down = units['ramp_down'].values
a = units['fixed_cost'].values
b = units['variable_cost'].values
c = units['start_cost'].values
d = demand['load'].values
e = units['co2_cost'].values

and detailed information on these parameters is provided in the following table.

Notation Interpretation Array Expression Python Variable
\(g_n^{\text{init}}\) The initial output of the \(n\)th generator units['initial'].values g_init
\(u_n^{\text{init}}\) The initial on/off status of the \(n\)th generator (g_init > 0).astype(int) u_init
\(g_n^{\text{min}}\) The minimum capacity of the \(n\)th generator units['min_gen'].values g_min
\(g_n^{\text{max}}\) The maximum capacity of the \(n\)th generator units['max_gen'].values g_max
\(h_n^{\text{up}}\) The minimum up time of the \(n\)th generator units['min_uptime'].values h_up
\(h_n^{\text{down}}\) The minimum down time of the \(n\)th generator units['min_downtime'].values h_down
\(r_n^{\text{up}}\) The ramp-up rate limit of the \(n\)th generator units['ramp_up'].values r_up
\(r_n^{\text{down}}\) The ramp-down rate limit of the \(n\)th generator units['ramp_down'].values r_down
\(a_n\) The fixed cost of the \(n\)th generator units['fixed_cost'].values a
\(b_n\) The variable cost of the \(n\)th generator units['variable_cost'].values b
\(c_n\) The start-up cost of the \(n\)th generator units['start_cost'].values c
\(d_t\) The demand at time step \(t\) demand['load'].values d
\(e_t\) The CO2 emission cost of the \(n\)th generator units['co2_cost'].values e

The UC model that determines the on/off statues of generators and their outputs in supplying the electricity demand can be written as the following mixed-integer linear programming problem.

\[\begin{align} \min~&\sum\limits_{t=1}^T\sum\limits_{n=1}^N\left(a_nu_{tn} + b_ng_{tn} + c_nv_{tn} + e_ng_{tn}\right) \hspace{-1in}& \\ \text{s.t.}~&v_{1n} \geq u_{1n} - u_n^{\text{init}}, v_{1n} \geq 0 &\forall n= 1, ..., N \\ &v_{tn} \geq u_{tn} - u_{(t-1)u}, v_{tn} \geq 0 & \forall t = 2, ..., T, \forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &w_{1n} \geq u_n^{\text{init}} - u_{1n}, w_{1n} \geq 0 &\forall n= 1, ..., N \\ &w_{tn} \geq u_{(t-1)u} - u_{tn}, w_{tn} \geq 0 & \forall t = 2, ..., T, \forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &\sum\limits_{k=t-h_n^{\text{up}}+1}^tv_{tn} \leq u_{tn} & \forall t=h_n^{\text{up}}, ..., T, \forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &\sum\limits_{k=t-h_n^{\text{down}}+1}^tw_{tn} \leq 1 - u_{tn} & \forall t=h_n^{\text{down}}, ..., T, \forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &\sum\limits_{n=1}^Tg_{tn} = d_{t} &\forall t=1, ..., T \\ &u_{tn}g_n^{\text{min}} \leq g_{tn} \leq u_{tn}g_n^{\text{max}} &\forall t=1, ..., T, \forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &g_{1n} - g_n^{\text{init}} \leq r_n^{\text{up}} &\forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &g_{tn} - g_{(t-1)n} \leq r_n^{\text{up}} &\forall t=2, ..., T, \forall n=1, ..., N \\ &g_n^{\text{init}} - g_{1n} \leq r_n^{\text{down}} &\forall n = 1, ..., N \\ &g_{(t-1)n} - g_{tn} \leq r_n^{\text{down}} &\forall t=2, ..., T, \forall n=1, ..., N \end{align}\]

where \(T\) is the number of time steps, and \(N\) is the number of generator units. The decision variables are explained in the following table.

Notation Interpretation Python Variable
\(u_{tn}\) Binary variable indicating the status of the \(n\)th
generator at time \(t\)
\(v_{tn}\) Binary variable indicating if the \(n\)th generator
is switched on at time \(t\)
\(w_{tn}\) Binary variable indicating if the \(n\)th generator
is switched off at time \(t\)
\(g_{tn}\) Continuous variable representing the output of
the \(n\)th generator at time \(t\)

The UC model above can be implemented by the following Python code.

from rsome import ro

model = ro.Model('UC')                           # Create a model named 'UC'

N = units.shape[0]                               # Number of units
T = len(d)                                       # Number of time steps
u = model.dvar((T, N), 'B')                      # Unit commitment statuses
v = model.dvar((T, N), 'B')                      # Switch-on statuses of units
w = model.dvar((T, N), 'B')                      # Switch-off statuses of units
g = model.dvar((T, N))                           # Generation outputs

model.min((a*u + b*g + c*v + e*g).sum())         # Minimize the total cost
model.st(v[0] >= u[0] - u_init, 
         v[1:] >= u[1:] - u[:-1],
         v >= 0)                                 # Switch-on statuses
model.st(w[0] >=  u_init - u[0], 
         w[1:] >= u[:-1] - u[1:],
         w >= 0)                                 # Switch-off statuses                
for n in range(N):
    model.st(v[t-h_up[n]+1:t+1, n].sum() <= u[t, n] 
             for t in range(h_up[n], T))         # Minimum up time constraints
    model.st(w[t-h_down[n]+1:t+1, n].sum() <= 1 - u[t, n]
             for t in range(h_down[n], T))       # Minimum down time constraints
model.st(g.sum(axis=1) == d)                     # Power balance equation
model.st(g >= u*g_min,                           # Minimum capacities of units
         g <= u*g_max)                           # Maximum capacities of units
model.st(g[1:] - g[:-1] <= r_up,
         g[0] - g_init <= r_up,                  # Ramp-up rate limits
         g[:-1] - g[1:] <= r_down,
         g_init - g[0] <= r_down)                # Ramp-down rate limits

model.solve()                                    # Solve the model

print(f'\nMinimum cost: {model.get():.4f}')
Being solved by the default MILP solver...
Solution status: 0
Running time: 1.4817s

Minimum cost: 14213082.0639

Please note that here we are using the default solver imported from the scipy.optimize to solve the mixed-integer linear programming problem. The default solver is able to address integer variables only if the version of the installed SciPy package is 1.9.0 or above. For SciPy 1.8.1 or older version, the default solver is unable to include integrality constraints, so the problem can only be solved by the updated SciPy solver or other solvers.

Similar to the case study discussed in the unit commitment (UC) problem, each component of the operating cost is calculated and listed below.

print(f'Total fixed cost:    {(a * u.get()).sum():.3f}')
print(f'Total variable cost: {(b * g.get()).sum():.3f}')
print(f'Total start-up cost: {(c * v.get()).sum():.3f}')
print(f'Total economic cost: {(a*u.get() + b*g.get() + c*v.get()).sum():.3f}')
print(f'Total CO2 cost:      {(e * g.get()).sum():.3f}')
Total fixed cost:    161025.131
Total variable cost: 8865900.433
Total start-up cost: 2832.000
Total economic cost: 9029757.564
Total CO2 cost:      5183324.500