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Robust Vehicle Pre-Allocation

In this example, we consider the vehicle pre-allocation problem introduced in Hao et al. (2020). Suppose that there are \(I\) supply nodes and \(J\) demand nodes in an urban area. The operator, before the random demand \(\tilde{d}_j = (\tilde{d})_{j\in[J]}\) realizes, allocates \(x_{ij}\) vehicles from supply node \(i\in[I]\) (which has a numbers \(i\) of idle vehicles) to demand node \(j\in[J]\) at a unit cost \(c_{ij}\), and the revenue is calculated as \(\sum_{j \in [J]} r_j \min\left\{\sum_{i \in [I]} x_{ij}, d_j\right\}\), as the uncertain demand is realized. Following the work done by Hao et al. (2020), model parameters are summarized as follows:

import numpy as np

I, J = 1, 10
r = np.array([4.50, 4.41, 3.61, 4.49, 4.38, 4.58, 4.53, 4.64, 4.58, 4.32])
c = 3 * np.ones((I, J))
q = 400 * np.ones(I)

The vehicle pre-allocation will be solved by the robust and sample robust optimization (proposed by Bertsimas et al. 2021) approaches using the RSOME ro framework.

The Robust Model

The vehicle pre-allocation decision under demand uncertainty can be made by solving the robust optimization problem below:

\[\begin{align} \min\limits_{\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}}~&\max\limits_{\pmb{d}\in\mathcal{Z}}\left\{\sum\limits_{i\in[I]}\sum\limits_{j\in[J]}(c_{ij} - r_j)x_{ij} + \sum\limits_{j\in[J]}r_jy_j(\pmb{d})\right\} \hspace{-1.5in}&& \\ \text{s.t.}~&y_j(\pmb{d}) \geq \sum\limits_{i\in[I]}x_{ij} - d_j && \forall \pmb{d} \in \mathcal{Z}, \forall j \in [J] \\ &y_j(\pmb{d}) \geq 0 && \forall \pmb{d} \in \mathcal{Z}, \forall j \in [J] \\ &y_j\in\mathcal{L}([J]) && \forall j \in [J] \\ &\sum\limits_{j\in[J]}x_{ij} \leq q_i && \forall i \in [I] \\ &x_{ij} \geq 0 &&\forall i \in[I], \forall j \in [J], \\ \end{align}\]

where the wait-and-see decision \(\pmb{y}\) that represents the bookkeeping revenue is approximated by a linear decision rule \(\mathcal{L}([J])\), implying that each \(y_j\) affinely depends on the demand realization \(\pmb{d}\). Here \(\mathcal{Z}\) is a box uncertainty set where the upper and lower bounds are identified using the sample demand dataset taxi_rain.csv.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('https://xiongpengnus.github.io/rsome/taxi_rain.csv')

demand = data.loc[:, 'Region1':'Region10']      # taxi demand data

d_ub = demand.max().values                      # upper bound of demand
d_lb = demand.min().values                      # lower bound of demand

Then the robust model can be implemented by the following code segment.

from rsome import ro                            # import the ro module
from rsome import grb_solver as grb             # import Gurobi solver interface

model = ro.Model()                              # create an RO model

d = model.rvar(J)                               # create an array of random demand
zset = (d <= d_ub, d >= d_lb)                   # define a box uncertainty set

x = model.dvar((I, J))                          # define here-and-now decision x
y = model.ldr(J)                                # define linear decision rule y
y.adapt(d)                                      # y affinely adapts to d

model.minmax(((c-r)*x).sum() + r@y, zset)       # the worst-case objective function
model.st(y >= x.sum(axis=0) - d, y >= 0)        # robust constraints
model.st(x.sum(axis=1) <= q, x >= 0)            # deterministic constraints

model.solve(grb)                                # solve the model with Gurobi
Being solved by Gurobi...
Solution status: 2
Running time: 0.0016s

The optimal vehicle pre-allocation decision is \(\pmb{x}=\)(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39.6138, 0, 0, 0, 0), which is rather conservative, and the optimal objective value is \(-62.59\).

The Sample Robust Model

Bertsimas et al. (2021) recently proposed a two-stage sample robust model where a collection \(\left\{\hat{\pmb{d}}_1, \hat{\pmb{d}}, \dots \hat{\pmb{d}}_S\right\}\) of historical demand samples are integrated into the decision-making process. In the context of vehicle pre-allocation, the sample robust model can be written as the following two-stage problem:

\[\begin{align} \min\limits_{\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}}~&\sum\limits_{i\in[I]}\sum\limits_{j\in[J]}(c_{ij} - r_j)x_{ij} + \frac{1}{S}\sum\limits_{s\in[S]}a_s \hspace{-1.5in}&& \\ \text{s.t.}~&a_s \geq \sum\limits_{j\in[J]}r_jy_{sj}(\pmb{d}) &&\forall \pmb{d} \in \mathcal{Z}_s, s \in [S] \\ &y_{sj}(\pmb{d}) \geq \sum\limits_{i\in[I]}x_{ij} - d_j && \forall \pmb{d} \in \mathcal{Z}_s, j \in [J], s \in [S] \\ &y_{sj}(\pmb{d}) \geq 0 && \forall \pmb{d} \in \mathcal{Z}_s, j \in [J], s \in [S] \\ &y_{sj}\in\mathcal{L}([J]) && \forall j \in [J], s \in [S] \\ &\sum\limits_{j\in[J]}x_{ij} \leq q_i && \forall i \in [I] \\ &x_{ij} \geq 0 &&\forall i \in[I], \forall j \in [J], \\ \end{align}\]

where \(\pmb{a}\in\mathbb{R}^S\) is a vector of intermediate variables representing the worst-case recourse cost in each scenario, and \(\mathcal{Z}_s=\left\{\pmb{d} \in \left[\underline{\pmb{d}}, \bar{\pmb{d}}\right] \left\vert \left\|\pmb{d} - \hat{\pmb{d}}_s \right\| \leq \varepsilon \right. \right\}\) is an \(\varepsilon\)-neighborhood uncertainty set defined by a general norm \(\|\cdot\|\) around each demand sample \(\hat{\pmb{d}}_s\). Note that the multiple-policy approximation of the wait-and-see decision \(\pmb{y}\) allows different affine mappings for each demand sample \(\hat{\pmb{d}}_s\), thus the two-dimensional decision rule \(\left(\pmb{y}(\pmb{d})\right)_{s\in[S], j\in[J]}\). Such a sample robust model (assuming the conservatism parameter \(\varepsilon=0.25\)) is implemented by the following code segment.

from rsome import ro                                    # import the ro module
from rsome import norm                                  # import the norm function
from rsome import grb_solver as grb                     # import the Gurobi interface

dhat = demand.values                                    # sample demand as an array
S = dhat.shape[0]                                       # sample size of the dataset
epsilon = 0.25                                          # parameter of robustness

model = ro.Model()                                      # create an RO model

d = model.rvar(J)                                       # random variable d
a = model.dvar(S)                                       # variable as the recourse cost
x = model.dvar((I, J))                                  # here-and-now decision x
y = model.ldr((S, J))                                   # linear decision rule y
y.adapt(d)                                              # y affinely adapts to d

model.min(((c-r)*x).sum() + (1/S)*a.sum())              # minimize the objective
for s in range(S):
    zset = (d <= d_ub, d >= d_lb,
            norm(d - dhat[s]) <= epsilon)               # uncertainty set for the sth sample
    model.st((a[s] >= r@y[s]).forall(zset))             # constraints for the sth sample
    model.st((y[s] >= x.sum(axis=0) - d).forall(zset))  # constraints for the sth sample
    model.st((y[s] >= 0).forall(zset))                  # constraints for the sth sample
model.st(x.sum(axis=1) <= q, x >= 0)                    # constraints

model.solve(grb)                                        # solve the model by Gruobi

The optimal vehicle pre-allocation decision is \(\pmb{x}=\)(0.341, 0.358, 0, 4.289, 0, 69.456, 2.452, 4.578, 5.229, 2.486), and the optimal objective value is \(-103.656\). Notice that in a special case where \(\varepsilon=0\), the sample robust model is equivalent to the sample average approximation approach.

We would like to highlight that the ro framework enables users to specify different uncertainty sets for the objective function and each of the constraints: in the sample robust model above, different uncertainty sets are defined around samples and these sets for constraints can be easily specified by calling the forall() method. Besides using the ro framework, the dro module also provides neat and highly readable tools for implementing the sample robust model. We refer interested readers to the page Distributionally Robust Vehicle Pre-Allocation.


Bertsimas, Dimitris, Shimrit Shtern, and Bradley Sturt. 2021. Two-stage sample robust optimization. Operations Research.

Hao, Zhaowei, Long He, Zhenyu Hu, and Jun Jiang. 2020. Robust vehicle pre‐allocation with uncertain covariates. Production and Operations Management 29(4) 955-972.