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User Guide

Getting Started

RSOME is an open-source algebraic library for modeling generic optimization problems under uncertainty. It provides highly readable and mathematically intuitive modeling environment based on the state-of-the-art robust stochastic optimization framework.

This guide introduces the main components, basic data structures, and syntax rules of the RSOME package. For installations, please refer to our Home Page for more information.

Modeling Environments

The RSOME package provides the following two modules for formulating optimization problems under uncertainty:

These two modeling frameworks follow consistent syntax in defining variables, objective functions, and constraints. The only differences are in specifying recourse adaptations and uncertainty/ambiguity sets. Notice that the dro module is a more general modeling framework, since a classic robust optimization problem can be treated as a special case of distributionally robust optimization, where the ambiguity set, specifying only the support information, reduces to an uncertainty set. The ro module is less general but the toolkit enables users to formulate uncertainty sets and decision adaptations in a more concise and intuitive manner.

In this section, we will use the ro module as a general modeling environment for deterministic problems. Guidelines of robust and distributionally robust optimization problems are presented in RSOME for robust optimization and RSOME for distributionally robust optimization, respectively.

Introduction to the rsome.ro Environment


In RSOME, all optimization models are specified based on a Model type object. Such an object is created by the constructor Model() imported from the rsome.ro modeling environment.

from rsome import ro            # import the ro modeling tool

model = ro.Model('My model')    # create a Model object

The code above defines a new Model object model, with the name specified to be 'My model'. You could also leave the name unspecified and the default name is None.

Decision Variables and Linear Constraints

Decision variables of a model can be defined by the method dvar().

dvar(self, shape=(), vtype='C', name=None, aux=False)
    Returns an array of decision variables with the given shape
    and variable type.
    shape : int or tuple
        Shape of the variable array. The variable is a scalar if
        the shape is unspecified.
    vtype : {'C', 'B', 'I'}
        Type of the decision variables. 'C' means continuous; 'B'
        means binary, and 'I" means integer.
    name : str
        Name of the variable array
    aux : leave it unspecified.
    new_var : rsome.lp.Vars
        An array of new decision variables

Variables in RSOME can be formatted as N-dimensional arrays, which are consistent with the widely used NumPy arrays in the definition of dimensions, shapes, and sizes. Users could use the dvar() method of the Model object to specify the shape and type ('C' for continuous, 'B' for binary, and 'I' for general integer) of the decision variable array, as shown by the following examples.

x = model.dvar(3, vtype='I')    # 3 integer variables as a 1D array
y = model.dvar((3, 5), 'B')     # 3x5 binary variables as a 2D array
z = model.dvar((2, 3, 4, 5))    # 2x3x4x5 continuous variables as a 4D array

RSOME variables are also compatible with the standard NumPy array operations, such as element-wise computation, matrix calculation rules, broadcasting, indexing and slicing, etc. It thus enables users to define blocks of constraints with the array system. For example, the constraint system

\[\begin{align} &\sum\limits_{i\in[I]}b_ix_i = 1 && \\ &\sum\limits_{i\in[I]}A_{ji}x_i \leq c_j && j\in[J] \\ &\sum\limits_{j\in[J]}\sum\limits_{i\in I}y_{ji} \geq 1 &&\\ &\sum\limits_{i\in[I]}y_{ji} \geq 0 && j\in [J] \\ &A_{ji}x_i \geq 1 &&\forall j\in[J], i\in[I] \\ &A_{ji}y_{ji} + x_i \geq 0 && \forall j\in [J], i\in[I] \end{align}\]

with decision variable \(\pmb{x}\in\mathbb{R}^I\) and \(\pmb{y}\in\mathbb{R}^{J\times I}\), as well as parameters \(\pmb{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{J\times I}\), \(\pmb{b}\in\mathbb{R}^I\), and \(\pmb{c}\in\mathbb{R}^J\), can be conveniently specified by the code segment below.

x = model.dvar(I)               # define x as a 1D array of I variables
y = model.dvar((J, I))          # define y as a 2D array of JxI variables

b @ x == 1                      
A @ x <= c
y.sum() >= 1
y.sum(axis=1) >= 0
A * x >= 1
A*y + x >= 0

RSOME arrays can also be used in specifying the objective function of the optimization model. Note that the objective function must be one affine expression. In other words, the size attribute of the expression must be one, otherwise an error message would be generated.

model.min(b @ x)        # minimize the objective function b @ x
model.max(b @ x)        # maximize the objective function b @ x

Model constraints can be specified by the method st(), which means “subject to”. This method allows users to define their constraints in different ways.

model.st(A @ x <= c)                    # define one constraint

model.st(y.sum() >= 1,
         y.sum(axis=1) >= 0,
         A*y + x >= 0)                  # define multiple constraints

model.st(x[i] <= i for i in range(3))   # define constraints by a loop

Convex Expressions and Convex Constraints

The RSOME package also supports several functions for specifying convex expressions and constraints. The definition and syntax of these functions are also similar to the NumPy package, see the tables below.

Convex Function                      Output                                                                    Remarks
abs(x) The element-wise absolute values of x.  
entropy(x) The entropic expression -sum(x*log(x)). x must be a vector.
exp(x) The element-wise natural exponential of x.  
fnorm(x1, x2, ...) The Frobenius norm expressed as sqrt(sumsqr(x1, x2, ...)) No need to match the shapes of x1, x2, …
log(x) The element-wise natural logarithm of x.  
norm(x, degree) The norm of the x. x must be a vector. degree can be 1, 2, or numpy.inf. The default value is degree=2, indicating an Euclidean norm.
pexp(x, y) The element-wise perspective natural exponential y * exp(x/y).  
plog(x, y) The element-wise perspective natural logarithm y * log(x/y).  
quad(x, Q) The quadratic term x @ Q @ x. x must be a 1-D array, and Q must be a positive semidefinite matrix (2-D array).
softplus(x) The element-wise softplus expression log(1 + exp(x)).  
square(x) The element-wise squared values of x.  
sumsqr(x1, x2, ...) The sum of squares of elements in arrays x1, x2, … No need to match the shapes of x1, x2, …
Convex Constraints Output Remarks
expcone(x, y, z) The exponential cone constraint z * exp(x/z) <= y. x and z must be scalars.
kldiv(p, q, r) The KL divergence constraint sum(p*log(p/q)) <= r. p and q are vectors,
and r is a scalar.
rsocone(x, y, z) The rotated conic constraint sumsqr(x) <= y*z.  

Examples of specifying convex constraints are provided below.

import rsome as rso
from rsome import ro
from numpy import inf

model = ro.Model()
x = model.dvar(I)                       # define x as a 1D array of I variables
y = model.dvar((J, I))                  # define y as a 2D array of JxI variables
z = model.dvar()                        # define z as a scalar variable

model.st(abs(x) <= 2)                   # constraints with absolute terms
model.st(rso.sumsqr(x) <= 10)           # a constraint with sum of squares
model.st(rso.square(y) <= 5)            # constraints with squared terms
model.st(rso.norm(y[:, 0]) <= 1)        # a constraint with 2-norm terms
model.st(rso.norm(x, 1) <= y[0, 0])     # a constraint with 1-norm terms
model.st(rso.norm(x, inf) <= x[0])      # a constraint with infinity norm
model.st(rso.quad(x, Q) + x[1] <= x[0]) # a constraint with a quadratic term
model.st(rso.rsocone(x, y[0, 0], z))    # a constraint with a rotated second-order cone
model.st(rso.expcone(x, x[0], 1.5))     # an exponential cone constraint
model.st(rso.exp(x) <= 3.5)             # constraints with exponential terms
model.st(rso.log(x) >= 1.2)             # constraints with logarithm terms
model.st(rso.entropy(x) >= x[1])        # constraints with entropy expressions
model.st(rso.kldiv(x, 1/I, 0.01))       # a KL divergence constraint

Note that all functions above can only be used in constructing convex constraints, so convex functions cannot be applied in equality constraints, and they cannot be used for concave inequalities, such as abs(x) >= 2 is invalid and gives an error message.

Matrix Operation Functions

In dealing with matrices (2-D arrays), RSOME supports basic operations like calculating the trace, retrieving the diagonal and upper/lower triangular elements, and concatenating arrays.

Matrix Operations  Output Remarks
concat(arrays, axis) Concatenated arrays arrays is a collection of arrays to be conca-
tenated, and axis specifies the axis along
which the arrays will be joined.
cstack(c1, ..., cn) An array formed by stacking the
given arrays along axis 1.
If a given argument c1, ..., cn is a list of
arrays, they will be stacked first along axis 0.
diag(x, k, fill) The diagonal elements of a 2-D
array x.
The integer k (k=0 by default) specifies the
shifts of the taken diagonal elements. The
boolean value fill (fill=False by default)
specifies if the non-diagonal elements are
filled with zeros.
rstack(r1, ..., rn) An array formed by stacking the
given arrays along axis 0.
If a given argument r1, ..., rn is a list of
arrays, they will be stacked first along axis 1.
trace(x) The trace of a 2-D array x.  
tril(x, k) The lower triangular elements of a
2-D array x.
The integer k (k=0 by default) specifies the
shifts of the taken triangular elements.
triu(x, k) The upper triangular elements of a
2-D array x.
The integer k (k=0 by default) specifies the
shifts of the taken triangular elements.

RSOME also supports defining semidefiniteness constraints that enforce an array X to be positive semidefinite (X >> 0) or negative semidefinite (X << 0). For instance, the constraint

\[\left( \begin{array}{cc} A & Z \\ Z^{\top} & \text{diag}(Z) \end{array} \right) \succeq 0\]

with \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) and \(Z\) being a lower triangular matrix, can be written as the following Python code,

import rsome as rso
from rsome import ro

model = ro.Model()

A = model.dvar((n, n))
Z = rso.tril(model.dvar((n, n)))

model.st(rso.rstack([A, Z], 
                    [Z.T, rso.diag(Z, fill=True)]) >> 0)

or equivalently,

import rsome as rso
from rsome import ro

model = ro.Model()

A = model.dvar((n, n))
Z = rso.tril(model.dvar((n, n)))

model.st(rso.cstack([A, Z.T], 
                    [Z, rso.diag(Z, fill=True)]) >> 0)

In this example, the T attribute of an RSOME array is consistent with the transpose operations of NumPy arrays. Functions rstack() and cstack() are used to create new arrays by stacking rows (along axis 0) or columns (along axis 1) together, respectively.

Standard Forms and Solutions

All RSOME models are transformed into their standard forms, which are then solved via the solver interface. The standard form can be retrieved by the do_math() method of the model object.

do_math(self, primal=True)
    Return the linear, or conic programming problem as the standard
    formula or deterministic counterpart of the model.
    primal : bool, default True
        Specify whether return the primal formula of the model.
        If primal=False, the method returns the dual formula.
    prog : GCProg
        A conic programming problem.

You may use the do_math() method together with the show() method to display important information on the standard form, i.e., the coefficients of the objective function and constraints, variable bounds and types.

from rsome import ro
import rsome as rso
import numpy as np

n = 3
c = np.random.normal(size=n)

model = ro.Model()
x = model.dvar(n)

model.max(c @ x)
model.st(rso.norm(x) <= 1)

primal = model.do_math()            # standard form of the primal problem
dual = model.do_math(primal=False)  # standard form of the dual problem

The variables primal and dual represent the standard forms of the primal and dual problems, respectively.

Conic program object:
Number of variables:           8
Continuous/binaries/integers:  8/0/0
Number of linear constraints:  5
Inequalities/equalities:       2/3
Number of coefficients:        11
Number of SOC constraints:     1
Number of ExpCone constraints: 0
Number of PSCone constraints:  0
Conic program object:
Number of variables:           5
Continuous/binaries/integers:  5/0/0
Number of linear constraints:  4
Inequalities/equalities:       0/4
Number of coefficients:        7
Number of SOC constraints:     1
Number of ExpCone constraints: 0
Number of PSCone constraints:  0

More details on the standard forms can be retrieved by the method show(), and the problem information is summarized in a pandas.DataFrame data table.

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 sense constant
Obj 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
LC1 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 == -0
LC2 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 == -0
LC3 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 == -0
LC4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 == 1
LC5 -1 -1.624345 0.611756 0.528172 0 0 0 0 <= 0
QC1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 -1 <= 0
UB inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf - -
LB -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf 0 - -
Type C C C C C C C C - -
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 sense constant
Obj 0 0 0 -1 -0 - -
LC1 0 0 0 0 -1 == 1
LC2 1 0 0 0 -1.624345 == 1
LC3 0 1 0 0 0.611756 == 1
LC4 0 0 1 0 0.528172 == 1
QC1 1 1 1 -1 0 <= 0
UB inf inf inf 0 0 - -
LB -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf - -
Type C C C C C - -

Besides being returned as a pandas.DataFrame data table, the standard form can also be saved as a .lp file using the to_lp() method.

Export the standard form of the optimization model as a .lp file.

    name : file name of the .lp file

    There is no need to specify the .lp extension. The default file name
    is "out".

The code segment below exports the standard form of the model as a file named “model.lp”.


The standard form of a model can be solved via calling the solve() method of the model object. Arguments of the solve() method are listed below.

solve(self, solver=None, display=True, log=False, params={})
    Solve the model with the selected solver interface.
    solver : {None, lpg_solver, clp_solver, ort_solver, eco_solver
              cpx_solver, grb_solver, msk_solver, cpt_solver}
        Solver interface used for model solution. Use the default
        solver if solver=None.
    display : bool
        True for displaying the solution information. False for hiding
        the solution information.
    log : bool
        True for printing the log information. False for hiding the log
        information. So far the argument only applies to Gurobi, CPLEX,
        and Mosek.
    params : dict
        A dictionary that specifies parameters of the selected solver.
        So far the argument only applies to Gurobi, CPLEX, and Mosek.

The solve() method calls for external solvers to solve the optimization problem. The first argument solver is used to specify the selected solver interface. If the solver is unspecified, the default solver imported from the the scipy.optimize is used to solve the RSOME model. Other open-source and commercial solvers can also be used in RSOME. Details of the interfaces for calling these external solvers are presented in the table below.

Solver License type Required version RSOME interface Second-order cone constraints Exponential cone constraints Semidefiniteness constraints
scipy.optimize Open-source >= 1.9.0 lpg_solver No No No
CyLP Open-source >= 0.9.0 clp_solver No No No
OR-Tools Open-source >= 7.5.7466 ort_solver No No No
ECOS Open-source >= 2.0.10 eco_solver Yes Yes No
Gurobi Commercial >= 9.1.0 grb_solver Yes No No
Mosek Commercial >= 10.0.44 msk_solver Yes Yes Yes
CPLEX Commercial >= cpx_solver Yes No No
COPT Commercial >= 7.0.3 cpt_solver Yes No Yes

The model above involves second-order cone constraints, so we could use ECOS, Gurobi, Mosek, CPLEX, or COPT to solve it. The interfaces for these solvers are imported by the following commands.

from rsome import eco_solver as eco
from rsome import grb_solver as grb
from rsome import msk_solver as msk
from rsome import cpx_solver as cpx
from rsome import cpt_solver as cpt

The interfaces can be then used to attain the solution.

Being solved by ECOS...
Solution status: Optimal solution found
Running time: 0.0003s
Being solved by Gurobi...
Solution status: 2
Running time: 0.0009s
Being solved by Mosek...
Solution status: Optimal
Running time: 0.0230s
Being solved by CPLEX...
Solution status: optimal
Running time: 0.0135s
Cardinal Optimizer v7.0.3. Build date Nov 14 2023
Copyright Cardinal Operations 2023. All Rights Reserved

Being solved by COPT...
Solution status: 1
Running time: 0.0028s

It can be seen that as the model is solved, a three-line message is displayed in terms of 1) the solver used for solving the model; 2) the solution status; and 3) the solution time. This three-line message can be disabled by specifying the second argument display to be False.

The third argument params is used to tune solver parameters. The current RSOME package enables users to adjust parameters for Gurobi, MOSEK, and CPLEX. The params argument is a dict type object in the format of {<param1>: <value1>, <param2>: <value2>, <param3>: <value3>, ..., <paramk>: <valuek>}. Information on solver parameters and their valid values are provided below. Please make sure that you are specifying parameters with the correct data type, otherwise error messages might be raised.

For example, the following code solves the problem using Gurobi, MOSEK, and CPLEX, respectively, with the relative MIP gap tolerance to be 1e-3.

model.solve(grb, params={'MIPGap': 1e-3})
model.solve(msk, params={'mioTolRelGap': 1e-3})
model.solve(cpx, params={'mip.tolerances.mipgap': 1e-3})

Once the optimization problem is solved, you may use the command model.get() to retrieve the optimal objective value. The optimal solution of the variable x can be attained as an array by calling x.get(). The get() method raises an error message if the optimization problem is unsolved, or the optimal solution cannot be found due to infeasibility, unboundedness, or numerical issues.

Application Examples

Mean-Variance Portfolio

Integer Programming for Sudoku

Optimal DC Power Flow

The Unit Commitment Problem

Box with the Maximum Volume

Minimal Enclosing Ellipsoid


Chen, Zhi, Melvyn Sim, Peng Xiong. 2020. Robust stochastic optimization made easy with RSOME. Management Science 66(8) 3329–3339.